Friday, 27 July 2012

Amber Teething Jewellery

I decided to treat myself on pay day to this gorgeous Amber Ring from Dino Daisy. Website here (Picture courtesy of Dino-Daisy)

The ring is a "Dino-Mumma Silver Ring with Three Baroque Beads"  The colour of baroque beads was my choice and are Cherry (the darker) and Cognac (the orangey beads)
It was a bargainous £8 with £2 postage.  It really is amazing quality and I think looks fab on.

The packaging was lovely too and also comes with a little card telling you all about ambers properties and how to care for it.

Kate is lovely and the service is amazing. I ordered on Saturday and received the ring on Wednesday. 
The difficulty was deciding what to order as the range is amazing.  I will be going back next pay day for a different style ring and maybe a silver band to stack with, ooh and a stamped bracelet, and a bangle..........
I first found the website when Baba was a tiny baby by googling "teething". 
Before this all I knew about Amber is what I learnt from Jurassic Park (showing my age there)
Now let me state I have no medical training and have no idea if amber has been proven as a pain relief aide, all I have is my own opinion.

Taken from the Dino-Daisy information card
Baltic amber contains Succinic Acid, a known analgesic reputed to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing of wounds. 
For centuries throughout Europe, Baltic amber has been used for healing and wellbeing.  When worn, the warmth from your body releases the ambers' natural oils into the skin, calming, soothing and offering a completely natural remedy for general aches and pains.

I decided to buy an anklet to see what all the fuss was about.  I figured what did I have to lose, they don't cost the earth so if it doesn't work then I've not lost out. I've already spent a fortune on Calpol, powders, rings you name it.
It may have been a placebo affect to my tired frazzled brain but it seemed to help Baba, she has had pretty much all her teeth through now and besides a few days of snotty nose and being a bit grumpy that is it.  No screaming, no scrabbling at her mouth, no sleepless nights (no more than usual anyway!!)
So much so that she has worn one pretty much non-stop since she was 3 months old. (She is now 2.3 years). 
Her first one was lost and stupidly I had no back up, since then I have ordered 3-4 in different styles and also wear an elasticated bracelet myself.

There are also necklaces available although these are unsuitable for 3 and under due to the small parts and the risk of it breaking. However Baba has had this one for over a year and worn it pretty much every day and it is still going strong.  Kate however offers a restring/replacement on the jewellery she creates for 6 months after purchase. Other amber sellers offer one month.

Obviously common sense prevails and it is up to the parent as to what they feel comfortable with but I have recommended these to pretty much every parent I know.  I also waxed lyrical to my Health Visitor when she asked what it was.

In my humble opinon amber rocks (see what I did there)......

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Feeling hot, hot, hot!

So this is the temperature in the office at the minute!

I have 3 fans blowing on me, I am liberally spraying myself with Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic Spritzer / Caudalie Grape Water to try and cool down and stay hydrated, and I have already finished a 2 litre bottle of water (which doesn't help when I step out of the "fan zone" to keep going toilet!)

It's so warm my Mac "Sparks Can Fly" lipstick is sweating! (Excuse the not too good photo, it's on my phone)

Oh and yes I am of "those" people who moan when it's hot and moan when it's cold. 
Hey I'm British what more can I say.....

Monday, 23 July 2012

Sunny Sunday!

A whole day of sunny weather, in July, who'd have thought it!

I was dragged along (at 7.45 kicking and screaming) to a local fishing spot with Husband.  Don't tell him I said this but it was actually a nice, relaxing day.   Baba was at Nana's for lunch so I could chill out and read my Kindle.

My view!

Mr Butterfly right by my head.

Mr Bee having breakfast.

Now this is the life!

Some kids dropped by to hoover up the leftovers!

Sometimes it's nice to just sit and chill.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

A letter to Baba


Today you are 2 years and 2 months (plus change!). What a 2 years it has been.

When you get older no doubt Mama and Dada will tell you the full story of your birth and the days and weeks after. None of it was your fault and despite the pain and the emotional backlash Mama went through after I want you to know that you were worth every single second.

The first few weeks (maybe even months) were extremely hard for me, one day hopefully I will be able to put it all into words, I was seperated from you for 3 days, I was in a lot of pain, I didn't know if I would ever be "fixed" (still not now). Seeing Dada bringing you to see me and then watching you two walking out the door to go home while I had to stay in hospital were the worst experiences of my life. Knowing that I had missed out on so much in those first few days, you meeting Nanny, my Grandad meeting his first great grandchild, your first bath, you going home to our house, was horrible for me and I was angry and resentful.

Coming home to you and Dada was so overwhelming and scary, you cried in the car the whole way home and so did I! Suddenly it hit me that this was it, I was coming home, I was no longer in hospital where I could sleep and still be me. It didn't help that I could still hardly move and had to rely on Dada and others to even pass you over to me.

I don't really remember much about those first few days apart from how utterly terrible I felt. I admit I would have quite happily run (ha I could barely even walk) out the door and kept on running. I was miserable, in pain, butchered, scarred for life, resentful, angry, depressed you name it.

Now though thanks to medicine and a lovely counsellor I am more or less the old me again. Well as close to that as I can be. I can't believe how fast the time has gone and what a beautiful amazing little girl you are becoming. You show no signs of any damage from your entrance into this world (think you have picked up the drama side of both families!!) and every day you do something that amazes me. You chatter away to your toys at bedtime, you smother the poor cats with cuddles, you run everywhere no matter how many times you fall over. You love your food, being woken at 6am on a Saturday with "MAMA, TOAST" was not fun but I had to chuckle.

Every morning when I come into your room and lean over into your cot you give the biggest most beautiful smile and "Hiya Mama" which melts my heart and almost makes the 4am wake up calls forgotten!

Thank you for helping to heal me Baba and thank you for still loving me through my darkest days.

Mama xxx

The awkward first post!

So....ummm....welcome to my blog!

After becoming a bit of blog addict I've finally given into the urge and started my own.

I don't really have a "blog plan" it will be a bit of everything really, just like my life. 
Beauty, food, kids, books, crafts you name it I will probably blog about it.

I already have a list of stuff in my head, I just have to sit down and do it!

So pull up a chair, make yourself a brew and be prepared to lose yourself in my ramblings.  I hope you enjoy.