Monday, 26 November 2012
Maybelline Fit Me Foundation.
To give you an idea I currently have 8 or 9 on the go.
So when I heard about the new Maybelline Fit Me Foundation and that they were giving away tailored samples I signed up!
You have to fill in an online form which then tells you your "number". I'll admit I'm usually sceptical about these as I like to see the colour against my skin first.
So I was 115. One of the palest colours.
First impressions were that it blended in very nicely. Feels very smooth and rich but not heavy. Almost gel-like.
One thing I didn't like was that it settled on my eyelids and creased pretty much instantly. I could also see some pore settling pretty quickly too despite using primer. That may just be because I have oily skin.
The colour matching was pretty spot on and I like the finish. However by 1030 I was having to blot and powder the shine coming through.
So will I buy it once the sample runs out?
If I liked the dewy finish then yes, however on my oily skin it's not matte enough. It's a nice foundation though. I'm tempted to try the concealer so may give that a go..
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Toddler milestones - Big Girls Bed.
I've been contemplating it for a while. I keep seeing friends children who are younger moving into big beds and wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Or holding her back. She's 2 years 7 months. I know some kids that have been in them at 16 months.
She hasn't escaped, hasn't really asked for a big bed so I didn't know if she was "ready".
And if I'm being entirely truthful a small part of me didn't relish the thought of a 6am wake up call with a little face 3 inches from my own.
We just decided to do it this weekend. I've been leading up to it all week with her, moved some toys and a big box of books up to her room (yay more space downstairs!) Each night at bedtime cuddles we've been talking about it "Bars off Mama?" And last night we did it.
Apart from a few times telling her it was bedtime and no she couldn't play she went down fine. Woke at 9am (if this is cos of the big bed I am going to be mega pissed I took this long) and told me to close the door so she could play!
I think this may go smoother than I thought!
She's happy anyway!
Sunday, 18 November 2012
R.I.P Kindle
So my Kindle died Thursday, just as I was getting onto the train at 23:20.
I was not happy.
To be honest I'm a little bit annoyed too that something I paid over £100 two years ago has died already. It's not as if its an "intensive" item. So a complaint email is winging it's way to Amazon.
So I now have to wait until Xmas for a new one as I can't afford to replace it. It feels so weird reading an actual book again!
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Hoarding mission 1 - complete.
First off I forgot to take a before picture. I know not a good start but I'm new to this blogging lark.
Anyway my first mission was to tackle my airing cupboard (room with boiler etc) I'm quite lucky that its not a bad size and has two shelves in.
I keep all my bed linen and towels in it. One shelf also has all my shampoos and lotions on but these will be moved when I find a big enough box!
Its safe to say there is linen in there that hasn't been used since we moved in 7.5 years ago!
God this is going to be an embarrassing process.
I'm proud to say I was ruthless and managed to accumulate a 2ft high pile to give to the charity shop.
Go me.
I also followed an idea I saw on pinterest with regards to storing bedding sets.
All in all a good dehoarding session and a pretty good start.
(picture from pinterest found here )
Friday, 9 November 2012
Best present ever
So today is my birthday.
I also share it with my wonderful Great Aunt Joyce (known as AJ).
And my sisters best friend and another friend. Bless her its a pretty expensive day for her!
T helped me open my cards and presents. When I say helped I actually mean opened them all.....
She is at Nana and Granddads tomorrow so its curry, wine and a lie in for me.
The best present was this
T knows me so well already.....
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Starting pre-school.
In January my baby starts pre-school.
How the hell did we get here so quick? Ok its only two mornings and doesn't affect me in terms of seeing her as she would be at Nanny's anyway but still...pre-school.....
I know she's ready for it (judging by the 6 times a week I get "Mama school??" from her). And I know it will do her the world of good especially with her speech as she is slightly behind in that.
I just keep seeing school, university, leaving home flashing past me and I don't like it. Gone is my little girl who relied on me for everything. Now its "Me Mama Me do it" when I try to do something for her.
Everyone said the baby years would fly by and they were right.
Doesn't mean I'm ready for No. 2 though!!