Friday, 21 December 2012

Railway Children - Away at Christmas

Did you know....
It's estimated that a child runs away from home or care every five minutes in the UK
In a recent survey, one in 11 teenagers aged 14 to 16 admitted to having run away overnight at some stage in their life
It's impossible to know the true scale of the problem: two-thirds of runaways aren't reported as missing to the police, and many are too vulnerable or scared to seek official help
It’s estimated 2000 children will run away over Christmas

We know this is every parent’s big nightmare and that it can happen to anyone – it’s nothing to do with family economics or where people live.

So as a member of the Mumsnet Blogger Network I received an email this morning asking to highlight this issue. 
For each blog post from a MN blogger Aviva will donate £2 to Railway Children. If I have comments they will donate another £2 for each comment. I know I am extremely small fry in the blogging world but every little helps.
I think every child/teenagers utters the immortal words "I'm going to run away" at some point in their childhood. I know I did, I even went as far as climbing out the kitchen window only to come back in the front door again when I had second thoughts. 
As a parent now I cannot imagine the utter fear of finding your child gone in the morning.
As a child I was lucky enough to never feel the need to run away.
Railway Children help and support children under the age of 16 who have run away from home or are at risk of doing so.

Please see here for a link to the Railway Children website

Please see here for a Q&A session Mumsnet ran with Railway Children.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Christmas with a 2 year old.

So this Xmas will be T's 3rd.

The first she was 8 months so wasn't really interested.

Last year she was 1yr 8m and was more interested in the presents.
This year she is a proper little person.

We are putting the "missmas" tree up tomorrow. With her. I don't know if this is a good idea or not.
I will report back tomorrow!