Thursday, 15 August 2013

What I'm Reading.

In case I haven't already mentioned it I am a big reader.

My greatest ever purchase was my Kindle and I am already on my second one. I currently have 87 books on my home page and 139 in my Archive!
(Stupidly when you buy a new Kindle ALL your books go into the archive on the new one, including ones you haven't read. Not helpful if you are like me and keep all your unread books on the home page and have so many you can't remember if you've read it or not.....)

 So I thought I would do a new feature on here 


 What I'm Reading 

Can you tell how long I took thinking up the title?! 
Sometimes I can read a book in a day (Hello The Hunger Games trilogy that I read over a weekend), sometimes it can take me a week.
It all depends on Baba, work, how tired I am, you get the drift. 
So I decided to chronicle them on here with a regular feature. I am not going to commit to weekly, fortnightly etc as we all know that will soon fall by the wayside. 

So without further ado the book I am currently reading is...
Moranthology by Caitlin Moran. 
I was recommended this on the Sali Hughes Beauty Forum of which I am a member (if you're not then if you are a big beauty and make up fan or just love women who are fun, amazing and inspirational then you really should check it out Sali is the beauty writer for the Guardian weekend supplement) 

It is a collection of her columns from The Times. I am currently only 14% through so don't feel ready to give a full review but I am enjoying it. 
I am quite new to Caitlin's work and I have to say I like what I read. It's funny but not in a try-too-hard kinda way. It's almost like you're sat in the pub with her talking rubbish over a glass (or 5) of wine and a packet of dry roasted. 

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